Sunday, November 30, 2008

Day trip to Gifu

~Bird watching
see the Kouyou(Changing colour leaves)~

Today I went to Gifu to watch some birds and Kouyou(Changing leaves).
It was bit cloudy, but I could see blue sky sometimes.
There is a pond that call 'Matsuo ike' (Pond of Matsuo) and some birds. Also there are few house which is traditional style house. It's call 'Gassyou dukuri no ie' (Thatched roof house).

This birds are 'Oshidori' (Mandarin duck). It's species of duck.

This bird call 'Kawasemi' (Kingfisher). It's not like Kookaburra in Australia. Those are same kind of bird, but Kawasemi is very quiet to sing.
It has really gorgeous feather.

I took some nice photos.
When I took those photos the weather change nicely. I was so lucky and happy about it.

Yeah, I could see blue sky.
I could take nice one. I like the colour of blue, red, yellow, and orange. It's really good. The sky of blue bring out the leaves' colours.

This is the house I mentioned before.
This place isn't world helitage one, but same kind of house. World heritage is exist same prefecture, but it's bit far from here.
Anyway it was nice to see this house.

This photo is one of my favourite photo which I took today. Best one is below.

-Today's my best shot-

Title: Brilliant moment
At Matsuo ike (Pond of Matsuo)


Glenn said...

i like your favourite photo very much! i like the colours and the reflections :)

so when are you going to start taking photos of people?!

Meg said...

Hi Glenn.
Thank you for leaving a comment.
I like to take still life style's photos. :-)
I can take people, but it's not good. Not like those photos. Portrait in one of hardest thigs for me. I need practice and know some tips.
I have some photos that I took I was in Australia. I may put on facebook, becasue here any people can see that.