Saturday, September 01, 2012



It was nice day for going to to EKKA.
People said to me, 'Should not go to EKKA on EKKA holiday.', 'It will be crowded.'... However it was only day I could go, so I decided to go on EKKA holiday.

At the EKKA, I had lot of things to see and experience.
Some men were making horseshoe...
It was very warm around this exhibition, because lot of fires to heat up horseshoe. 

Some animals at EKKA...

Baby sheep, going to sleep... 

Baby llama.
Fluffy hairs and cute eyes... 

Big bull.
Funny sign, but may be serious... 

Farming culture in Australia...

Almost all things on this picture, you can eat.

Hello, farmer Jemima.
She is cute, isn't she?

Some people were making LEGO arts.

Just a bit of part...

Art, craft and cooking area...

I got lots of inspiration.

Cake area...

Smurfs world.
Lots of Smurfs.

Farming Smurfs. 

Holiday Smurfs...

It was lovely day to go to EKKA...

How crowded was it??
Not really. I expected waiting line everywhere, but there was no waiting line. Even at show bags area. Bit of cue, but smooth. Almost non stop to go in.

If I were here next year, I will go again.

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